Let's chat! 

Kinja'd!!! "EL_ULY" (uly)
07/26/2016 at 08:53 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 100

I am apocalyptically bored here at work. I request a chat with you rad peeps below in the reply area. Not really an AMA, more of a morning water cooler/break room coffee chat session.


Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 08:56



Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 08:57


I can’t put my finger on it, but something just looks out of place in that picture.

Kinja'd!!! Nibby > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 08:57


How long until this thing gets all Kinja’d

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Matt Nichelson
07/26/2016 at 08:58


I see nothing out of place.....

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Nibby
07/26/2016 at 08:58




Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
07/26/2016 at 08:59


Yo! What up vato!!?!?!?!

Kinja'd!!! Party-vi > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 08:59


How much is an off-lease Evora going for these days? I’ve always thought of them as gorgeous cars.

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:02


I’m bored at work as well but at least my day is about to end.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Party-vi
07/26/2016 at 09:06


This one looks rad in that highlighter color. We have the largest inventory of Evora in N. America and they are pretty much all brightly colored. It’s necessary when it’s such a small car in roads full of bro-dozers and crappy semi-truck drivers.

I don’t thing we have any pre-owned Evora at the moment but we get a lot of used car inspections from people that buy them high end used car. Prices could be as low as high $30's ( usually with the typical case of Lotus-itus) to actually ok ones in the $50's

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 09:07


luckyyyy! What do you have planned for the rest of the day?

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:08


This is perfect. I’ve been working from home for 5 months now and I don’t miss the office AT ALL. But I do miss the obligatory time-wasting stuff, like walking into my buddy’s office and shooting the shit about the week. So I’m shopping for 4k TVs, which has been fun, but I can’t really pull the trigger yet — the TV price wars right now are the most aggressive I've ever seen, including previous Black Fridays or Cyber Mondays. Now that I'm working at home, my Passat Wagon only drives about 2k miles/year, so my "car wants" have gone way down. OTOH, I could buy something really thirsty, old, and cool, and could probably justify it. Who knows? Another thing about working from home is that it makes you constantly think about being laid off — when you have no personal connections to your coworkers, you become more of a line item. And I'm still the new guy, so my work output isn't perfectly accurate, plus my boss is a really tough old guy who misses NOTHING. Nonetheless, I'm gonna ride this gig as far as I can. Decent salary, no commute, no dry cleaning, and lots of random time with the family and around the house...so it's a lot of hours and hard work, but it doesn't feel as bad as wasting my obligatory 9-10 hours/day in a office setting.

Kinja'd!!! Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:14



Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:17


I have several choices:
-Scrape the old paint from my house
-Measure the bolt circle from a transmission (to build an adapter)
-Put back the fixed alternator in my Vectra
-Fix my bicycle’s punctured inner tube

I might start with the second option as that I can do before heading back to home and then I could join the sauna shift of my car club in the evening.

Kinja'd!!! Azrek > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:17


Getting ready for dragoncon. I was working on a custom leather holster for one of my Mandalorian blasters and I believe I totally fucked it up. Debating now if I can salvage it or do I scrap it an start over.

Also, can’t seem to get my Cable cyborg arm to fit on my shoulder properly....

I like the Evora. I knew a nice Orange one with a tasteful spoiler in Florida. Just wish it was more popular and a touch cheaper in price.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Ash78, voting early and often
07/26/2016 at 09:18


Heck yeah dude that sounds like a rad gig. It takes me an hour to get to and from work and the employees here are zombie/bigot-spec employees.

A boss that never misses a thing at the end of the day is the best kind of boss. Shooting the shit with workmates on slow days is cool but in my case, those rad coworkers were smarter than me and have left lol.

Only rad things I can say is that I got my job pretty much perfected, rad cars and people that come in, and access to the car wash area whenever.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 09:20


That sounds pretty chill. I miss having that group of car peeps to hang out with in the area

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:23


Did you move away or the others? There isn’t any clubs or group garages there?

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Azrek
07/26/2016 at 09:23


I just Google’d Dragoncon. Duuude that looks the radness!! If you can, report to OPPO your final setup and show experience.

Evora prices will go down I believe, but beware of the pre 2014 cars, most were not very well made and you really have to give them a good look over before buying one.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap
07/26/2016 at 09:23


Sup vato!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 09:26


Yeah this was when I live in another town. It was a mix f everything from early 90's to mid 2000's

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:31


That’s too bad. If you are lucky you might be able to find a new bunch of enthusiasts in your current area.

Kinja'd!!! Azrek > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:34


I have a custom Mandalorian outfit (Boba Fett) getting ready....that thing is something else. But damn it can get hot really fast.

I have Cable from Xmen. Mostly I made this for choking Deadpools. I hate Deadpools at Cons. Friends don’t let friends dress up like Deadpool.

One other Oppo is going. We are debating a half-ass quasi-pseudo Oppo meet.

Kinja'd!!! BvdV - The Dutch Engineer > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:36


Hi Uly! How are the Astons doing today?

Kinja'd!!! Wheelerguy > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:36


If I were a poser, I’d rather channel Sebastien Loeb. Unfortunately, Citroen doesn’t sell a hot-hatch DS3 4WD.

Life, man.

Kinja'd!!! Sn210 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:39


What's up Uly?

Kinja'd!!! Cé hé sin > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 09:40


“...then I could join the sauna shift of my car club in the evening.”

Different place, Finland.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 09:41


I once hooked up with some Audi peeps when i had my A6 avant. I didn’t click with them since they didn’t know anything technical about their cars and didn’t do ANY work to the cars themselves

Kinja'd!!! Milky > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:44


I want to be stupid, buy this and DD it.



Some of the work looks, well, bad. But its so cheap.


Professional opinion?

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Azrek
07/26/2016 at 09:50


I bet there is a bunch of bro-dudes as Deadpool at these things lol. Nothing is more kickass than a custom Mandalorian.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Sn210
07/26/2016 at 09:52


Feeling physically ill from mass amount of boredom. I need more diecast at work to at least make an ORAT post. I’m already getting started on one of those oh so tempting Deal of the Day posts :]

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Wheelerguy
07/26/2016 at 09:52



The market will shift if those Golf R and Focus RS sell good

Kinja'd!!! nucciOMG > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:56


I really do love Evoras. Been following the B is for Build rebuild of the Evora... took him weeks to finish the rear bulkhead but I can’t stop... it’s too late. I’m too committed.

Kinja'd!!! XJDano > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 09:57


I have had the last couple weeks of hell. Shitty tunnel job, that nothing seems to go right on. I’m headed in now to drag bags of contaminated dirt on a sled to eventually put in a dumpster.


In other news we are ready to kick out or rather move my wife's sister & husband along out of our rental property, they are destroying it and it's a money pit. I will wait until next week when they get back from vacation to drop the bomb of buy it or gtfo by 10/3. I hope his big talk of his mom buying them a house goes through. She will see that it's not the house that is bad but the people making it unlivable.

Kinja'd!!! Sn210 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:00


I’m trying to swear off eBay lol I need to save my money for a new 1:1

I did just grab a purple Maisto Diablo SE brand new for $15 shipped though! Speaking of $15 Maistos... Sam’s/bj’s/Cosco should be getting some pallets in soon, right?!


Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > BvdV - The Dutch Engineer
07/26/2016 at 10:01


Oh man I forgot to tell OPPO on Saturday.

These typical young/rich douche bro-dawgs came on Saturday to pick up a Rapide S from it’s annual service. It’s a 2015 car in white with dark tinted tail lights and gross aftermarket black wheels.

In the distance we heard the slight rumble of some thunder. Being a cloudy day with storms in the area, the owner of the car said:

“ oh man, I hope that (the thunder) was a terrorist bomb going off because they just washed my car ” followed by that typical ultra douche “ ha ha... ya feel me ”


Kinja'd!!! Azrek > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:01


Oh after the movie it is going to be like a plague upon mankind...so Cable is known at beating up Deadpool. I am just gonna go around an counter-harass them for fun!

Deadpools are like the Mustang of the Conworld. They crash into us, they annoy us, but sometimes they can be cool (such as the movie).

My mando is Silver/Orange/White with an Orange T Visor (I have computer fans in the helmet so I don’t die. I have a Westar 35 blaster, but no holster...which is what I hosed last night. I don’t like the paint for the gun either, but I cut brass sheets to ‘bling’ out the gun some. I made a custom holster for my rubber knife, that came out awesome...but the holster is pissing me off.

I did hear that Lotus finally posted a profit for the first time since the Ice Age, so hopefully we will get more cars.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Sn210
07/26/2016 at 10:03


I saw them as early as mid September once. Usually though it’s late October. Nothing is concrete and I will go bankrupt once they are out!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > nucciOMG
07/26/2016 at 10:05


When doing clutch jobs, the entire rear section (clam and all) has to be removed. It is a pain! We change 40 hrs. here

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:05


That’s too bad. Some do dislike any work with their cars but some just need to be encouraged. I have managed to convert couple of my friends to be gearheads who are not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Kinja'd!!! Sn210 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:08


I’m hoping the new Ford GT is in there, probably not though. I want to find an Alfa 8c too, but that might be a stretch.

I grabbed 4 last year, still haven’t reviewed them yet though because I’m a slacker! Working on my Vector review but it’s so hard to find words and time. I wish I could do that instead of work


Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > Cé hé sin
07/26/2016 at 10:08


Summer is rarely hot in here but sauna is always hot on Tuesdays at 20:00. The only exception is Tuesday two weeks ago when the sauna was broken.

Kinja'd!!! Zerofret > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:09



Kinja'd!!! Clemsie McKenzie > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:09


Wow that’s some dick level right there. It’s over 9000!

Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > Clemsie McKenzie
07/26/2016 at 10:11


I think that is a new high score.

Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:11


They deserve to get punched by Optimus Prime.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Milky
07/26/2016 at 10:11


That is a very neat example. Me gusta!

Lol oh those seats. We had one car with very similar seats and the guy wanted them replaced.... 2 YEARS LATER!!! Lotus sends them to us lol.

Besided that, those Elise can take a beating and ask for more. Those Toyo Proxes are insanely grippy once warm but have a wear rating I think of less than 100 lol :]

I;d hope on this example for sure if I had the cash

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:12


I’m feeling sorry for the poor Rapide who has so awful owners.

Kinja'd!!! BvdV - The Dutch Engineer > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:13


Wow, that guy is an idiot, he can donate the Rapide to me, in order to compensate for his behavior. I promise I’ll remove the taillight tint.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > XJDano
07/26/2016 at 10:15


Was the soil contaminated by oil? We had to dig up a bunch of dirt here because a used oil container (underground) leaked.

Heck yeah dude even if they are family, F all that noise on the property. Spoiled kids can’t take care of their home. Always happens when they don’t own it.

Kinja'd!!! S65 > Sn210
07/26/2016 at 10:16


I have a Maisto 8C

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > BvdV - The Dutch Engineer
07/26/2016 at 10:17


It’s suuuper dark tint as well. Not sure who passed his inspection but it is gross and dangerous AF

Kinja'd!!! Nibbles > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:17


Yo yo ULY how it be?

Question: Is the Polestar tune worth the cash for my S40 T5, or should I go with an aftermarket tune? I’m out of warranty so that doesn’t matter.

Kinja'd!!! Dru > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:17


Let me get this straight: douche bro would rather an explosive be detonated, endangering or killing people. that be inconvenienced by a rainstorm after the car has just been washed? Human garbage, that lot.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 10:18


the breaks were hella worn for it’s age and the 500 wear rate tires wrapping those gross wheels were also way too worn for only 6500 miles.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > philipilihp
07/26/2016 at 10:19


right in the plums!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Clemsie McKenzie
07/26/2016 at 10:20


oh indeed!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > S65
07/26/2016 at 10:20



Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Sn210
07/26/2016 at 10:22


I feel ya homie. I have a bazillion things at home in the works for the big renovation project going on all of September. I grabbed 4 cars as well and want that 8C/Ford GT soo bad

Kinja'd!!! Sn210 > S65
07/26/2016 at 10:22


It's pretty awesome, right?

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > kanadanmajava1
07/26/2016 at 10:24


heck yeah! Recruit them all

One of the Audi dudes here knew more about the new car accessories catalog than the rad down-pipe that was installed on his old S4. I had to let them go lol :]

Kinja'd!!! Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:25



It’s a jeep thing.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Dru
07/26/2016 at 10:26


Dru, those were the exact words I though right after he said what he said. Those other flashy kids laughed way too hard at what he said, making them equally garbage

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Nibbles
07/26/2016 at 10:28


What up vato!!!

For those $1300+, you can get a good inexpensive intake, exhaust, maybe even a down pipe and possibly still have enough to do a dyno tune done if you install the parts yourself. Make a rad jalop weekend out of it once the parts arrive with a couple friends (friends that will also supply the pizza and drinks)

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap
07/26/2016 at 10:29


Those RX300 had THE worst turning radius. Rode comfy doe :]

Kinja'd!!! S65 > Sn210
07/26/2016 at 10:30



Kinja'd!!! Nibby > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:31


Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:32


Well deserved indeed! Not for May, of course.

Kinja'd!!! StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:33



Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Nibby
07/26/2016 at 10:33


for real dude!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > philipilihp
07/26/2016 at 10:34


Did you catch any racing this weekend? IMSA’s race is up on their YouTube channel and i’m still looking for a good source for the FIA WEC 6 hours of Nurburgring

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8
07/26/2016 at 10:34


what’s up vato!!! What’s hood?

Kinja'd!!! StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8 > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:38


Oh you know, living it up in the D yo.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8
07/26/2016 at 10:40


Big D? I’m in H-town

Kinja'd!!! Nibbles > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:42


That were my thoughts, but then I couldn’t in good conscience put a Polestar badge on the car :(

I do need to find an exhaust that is a good mix between quietness and free-flowing

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Nibbles
07/26/2016 at 10:47


Prancing Moose > Polestar

Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:47


No, not onscreen. I was too busy looking at houses... LOL Trying to get a 2-car garage to have space for a project!

Kinja'd!!! nucciOMG > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:49


40!? Great googily moogily. Whats the lowest mileage you’ve seen a clutch go bad in?

Kinja'd!!! Milky > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:50


Glad to hear (er, read) you agree! I get they are hand made cars, but the reason an Elise is so intriguing is becasue there isn’t much to break!

I’ve only had functioning doors and stereo the last 3 years. Never really have had a working heater and my cars have always been stupid loud. Howe much worse could an Elise be?!

But really, I had to dukes of hazard to get my SC. Talk about ingress/egress.


Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > philipilihp
07/26/2016 at 10:50


That was seriously my number 1 thing I was looking for when house hunting. With success :]

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > nucciOMG
07/26/2016 at 10:51


under 15k on a good couple of cars. Track days are fun but thing wear out. Shit, those Pirelli corsa tires only have a 60 wear rating. Grippy as balls, but now are discontinued

Kinja'd!!! nucciOMG > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 10:57


Wow. 15K is rough. I knew the Corsas weren’t long life tires, but 60 is lower than an ants nutsack.

Thats a little more maintence than the Volvos (940s?)in the photo.

Kinja'd!!! Camshaft Chris: Skyline/McLaren/Porsche Fanboy > philipilihp
07/26/2016 at 11:00


Same here! The struggle though with how expensive this are is is if I want a two car garage, we’ll probably have to get a townhouse with a detached garage behind it. All of the free-standing homes we’ve looked at that are within our budget have either no garage or just a single-car garage.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Milky
07/26/2016 at 11:00


Those have similar things like column locks that fail, a ton of A/C issues, alarm modules, SRS modules, and central electronic failure.

Biggest thing though is the availability of parts. Nothing is ever available and everything is always back order always and forever!!

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > nucciOMG
07/26/2016 at 11:01


Those are 2 out of our 4 shop cars. Those things are as solid and Mount Everest.

Kinja'd!!! Camshaft Chris: Skyline/McLaren/Porsche Fanboy > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 11:02


Hope I’m not too late and everyone hasn’t actually gone off and started working, lol. Things have been pretty hectic around here lately. I’m really far behind on stuff I need to post on LaLD, but hopefully I can fix that soon. Let’s just say I had a $uper lucky night last week ;)

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Camshaft Chris: Skyline/McLaren/Porsche Fanboy
07/26/2016 at 11:04


Ohhhhhh i can’t wait to see what you found!!!

Kinja'd!!! Nibbles > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 11:05


True dat, true dat

Kinja'd!!! facw > philipilihp
07/26/2016 at 11:10




Kinja'd!!! Jack Does Cars > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 11:15


I got my license this morning.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Jack Does Cars
07/26/2016 at 11:18


WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Zerofret
07/26/2016 at 11:18


lol saving that gif

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Azrek
07/26/2016 at 11:21


Man that sounds like such a rad setup. keep us posted on that for sure. I missed out this year here in town but will catch it for sure next time.

Lol so much buuurn on the Deadpool dudes :]

Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 11:22


NOICE! I can’t wait to have one.

Kinja'd!!! philipilihp > facw
07/26/2016 at 11:23


POW right in the kisser.

Kinja'd!!! Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 11:49


They’re just a little too small.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 12:00


Well thats disappointing, but I don’t imagine Autozone stocks S2k parts either. Probably way easier to get than Lotus parts still though.

Also damn column locks, that shit cost me $1200 on the Crossfire.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap
07/26/2016 at 12:05


yup yup. It may be smaller than today’s Rav4 even

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > Milky
07/26/2016 at 12:07


Internet is the best place for parts on these for sure.

Kinja'd!!! XJDano > EL_ULY
07/26/2016 at 12:59


Most of those pipes had asbestos insulation, taking the insulation off in bulk gets it on the ground, but it had already been contaminated from years of leaking pipes and that stuff falling off.

This family renting thing started off good for a few months the went bad for 5 years. I know I'm going to lose money on it, I just have to rip it off like a bandaid and get it over with so I can move on.

Kinja'd!!! EL_ULY > XJDano
07/26/2016 at 13:08


oh dang, wear 3 masks!

Shit dude that sucks. Busting ass, trusting fam, then losing money is fuckin super lame.